FINALLY found the time to sit down and update my blog! The holidays are a crazy time around here. This year seemed even crazier. It crept up on me, and I didn't feel very prepared. Usually I'm able to take a week off before Christmas, and that didn't happen this year. We just dove right in! We're taking this week to clean house and recover. Next year I WON'T wait until the weekend before Christmas to throw G's birthday party. We had a great time though.
One new development I've had is that I finally have a "preliminary" diagnosis. My blood work came back positive for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I go back for more workup next month. One one hand I'm relieved, but I'm also frustrated. The last few weeks have been really good. I've been nearly pain-free. Right now most of the pain is focused in my hip. Fun stuff! I'm combing the web for any information. Especially recipes and alternative treatments. I love hearing had bad the medications are, and how the treatment will kill me. I either get unwanted input, or silence. I'm not sure which is worse!